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How to Survive Your Child’s First Day at School

How to Survive Your Child’s First Day at School

Finally, it’s arrived. It’s your child’s first day at school and your home is full of emotions. Anxiety, sadness, excitement or fear: they’re all normal emotions on this special day. As a Mum though, you’ll probably feeling a mixture of ‘thank goodness, they’re finally going,’ all the way through to ‘they’re too little to go to school.’ So, we’ve put some tips together to help you and your family survive your child’s first day at school.

7 Top Tips on Surviving Your Child’s First Day at School

As parents, we know just how stressful that first day can be. Here are some tips which have worked for us:

  1. Be Organised – there’s nothing worse than having to race around finding everything for school on that first day. Instead in the weeks ahead, order your child’s Book Bag, Pencil Case and Swimming Bag. They’ll arrive well in time for you to pack them into their school bag. Also make sure you pack the school bag the night before and it wouldn’t hurt to make their lunch then too.
  2. Visit Beforehand – most new entrant classes encourage you and your child to visit before they start school. Make the most of this opportunity to show them around the classroom and where the toilets are.
  3. Name Everything – at school, things get lost or ‘borrowed.’ You can stop this by ensuring all your child’s clothing and accessories are named. When you order their Book Bag, Swimming Bag and Pencil Case from FinndieLoo, we’ll do that for you!
  4. Practise the Morning School Run – in the week beforehand, practise getting ready and going to school. This helps you and your child iron out any issues that may pop up.
  5. Put Familiar Food in Their Lunchbox – it may be a special treat, but save those for another day. On their first day at school, give them food they’ve had many times before as this familiarity is comforting.
  6. Plan Something for Yourself – once you’ve dropped your son or daughter off for their first day at school, have an activity in mind for you to do. It could be going for a walk, meeting up for coffee with other Mums or even going to work. It’ll help the day go faster for you.
  7. Don’t Be Late – this is especially true in the afternoon. Be a few minutes early if you can. Not to spy on your child in the classroom, but to ensure you are there when they come running out to find you.

As our kids grow up, it’s our job to support them on their journeys. Remember to care for yourself too, as your child’s first day at school is a big day for you too! Don’t forget to head to our shop to order school supplies a few weeks in advance.

Posted: Wednesday 24 January 2018


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